Now we’ll start getting to the fun part - actually deploying our infrastructure and launching a basic jupyterhub deployment. While I’ve simplified many steps, I’ve left many other intentionally exposed - to offer opportunities for customization and to expose how things work. What follows is a condensed summary of the steps we’ll be taking.


There are a few things that need to be taken care of before we can really get started:

  • Amazon Account + IAM user for cloud9

    We’ll be using AWS for our cloud hosting provider, and their web-based IDE for bootstrapping the environment.

  • Domain registered and managed in route 53

    Many of the scripts depend on being able to manipulate DNS records - this is for acquiring secure web certificates for some of our services, as well as to generally make it easy to connect.

  • Github Account, fork of ds-do code

    While all of the steps can be entered manually at the command line, the tutorial would be ~10x longer if I listed all of those steps explicitly. To make it as easy as possible without dumbing down I’ve created a series of Python scripts to wrap many of the commands. You’ll be creating your own fork of the code base so you can track your own changes, and hopefully submit pull requests if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvement.

Setup Bootstrapping environment

One of my design goals was to have minimal requirements for the non-cloud environment. This is both to reduce costs, and to simplify the instructions as it’s easier to create a reproducable cloud environment than a reproducable laptop environment (windows vs linux vs mac, different versions, etc…). The steps we’ll be going through are:

  • Use cloud9 to create an initial bootstrapping environment

    I use Amazon’s Cloud9 service to quickly create a virtual machine on AWS, and to have a nice web-based development environment that places no requirements for the local environment other than access to a web browser.

  • Setup conda python environment, configuration file

    Conda is used as a python environment manager. We’ll be running through creating a basic conda environment and getting started with the project.

Launch Kubernetes

One of the easiest ways to launch Kubernetes (K8s) on AWS is KOPS - Kubernetes Operations. It provides a relatively simple command line client for cluster management, and does a nice job of storing the state of your cluster in S3. We’ll be using that tool, along with my wrapper scripts, to launch a K8s cluster.

  • Edit config file with your settings

    All settings for my launching scripts have been consolidated to a single yaml file. We’ll add our domain and other settings to that file to prepare for the other steps.

  • Create kops config

    KOPS accepts a configuration file with details of AWS regions, subnets, and other info. We’ll run a script, create-kops-config to create this configuration file based on settings discovered from our Cloud9 environment.

  • Edit instance groups as needed

    KOPS has the concept of instance groups, which are templates for virtual machines that will be used for different roles in the cluster. We’ll configure a few that will be our K8s master nodes and our permanent nodes that will be available 24/7 to run authentication and basic connectivity services.

  • Launch K8s

    Will use the kops command to launch our cluster

Launch base DS-DO Infrastructure

With our K8s cluster available we can now use it to host other essential administrative services like authentication and connectivity systems.

  • Launch network ingress, dashboard, and monitoring

    The initial cluster kops deploys is fairly bare-bones. We’ll be adding the K8s dashboard and monitoring services so we can easily inspect the cluster state. We’ll also be using the ds-do script launch-ingress to launch a network ingress service, which will allow us to access these dashboard services and future services like Jupyter and Spark.

  • Create EFS-based storage for user directories

    We’ll be leveraging Amazon’s managed NFS file system storage as an easy way to provide this essential part of a datascience environment. It can be somewhat tricky to setup correctly, so we’ll use the ds-do script prepare-efs to get it launched.

  • Launch LDAP

    All of our future services will require knowledge of usernames, passwords, SSH keys, user IDs, and other info. LDAP is a natural fit for this, but can also be tricky to setup. We’ll be using the ds-do script create-certs to interact with Let’s Encrypt to get valid TLS encryption certificates, then launch-ldap to deploy the basic LDAP service as well as a web-based administration interface for adding and managing users.

  • Launch Bastion and Administration nodes

    While we’re not strictly following the bastion network topology, I still like to have a single point of entry to the cluster - it reduces attack surface area, and frees us to update and create/destroy other internal servers as they are segregated from the essential function of network access. We’ll be using the ds-do scripts launch-bastion and launch-terminal to deploy a bare-bones bastion server for network access, and another container that will have more installed tools and can be used for the majority of administration tasks.

Launch the JupyterHub Service

As a first real use of the system we’ll be deploying a new KOPS instance group, along with the JupyterHub multi-user datascience environment. This will make use of our LDAP system to handle user authentication, and be backed by our EFS for user home directories. In our environment with few users this node can afford to be interrupted (for now), so we’ll cover how to use AWS spot pricing on these nodes to get high-powered compute resources at 20% of the list cost.


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